
Advisory Board
- Director of the CPI
- Deputy Director of the CPI
- Coordinator of Academic Division
- Coordinator of Industrial Division
- Representative of the Scientific Council
- Representative of the Industrial Council
- Dean of the Faculty of Microbiology
- Representative of the Postgraduate Study System
- Representative of the Health Council
Academic Division
Carry out research, teaching, and social action activities on topics related to the mission of the Institute, in agreement with the principles and guidelines of the University of Costa Rica.
Research Section
Generate new knowledge through scientific research in the fields of biology and toxinology of toxin producer venomous animals and microorganisms, in other areas of biomedical and biotechnological research related to the mission of the Institute, as well as divulge the results obtained in specialized journals and forums. -
Teaching Section
Coordinate and impart courses appointed to the Immunology section of the Faculty of Microbiology, collaborates with other graduate courses and the Postgraduate Studies System of the University of Costa Rica, and guide university students in their final graduation projects, and thesis for graduate and postgraduate degrees. -
Social Action Section
Train and inform different population groups about ophidic accidents, their treatment and prevention, as well as other subjects related to the mission of the Institute, through seminars, conferences, workshops, and other mechanisms.
Industrial Division
Identify the needs for biotechnological products for prophylactic, diagnosis, or therapeutic use, and contribute to their development, manufacture, and/or quality control.
Keep in optimal condition a collection of venomous snakes to regularly obtain venoms and tissues of scientific or medical interest, to be used as supplies in researches, or antivenom serum production processes that take place in the Institute. -
Keep in optimal health conditions the production horses, innovate management, immunization and bloodletting procedures to maintain and improve the productivity of the hyper-immune plasma used in the development and manufacture of biotechnological products. -
Produce antivenom serums and other biotechnological products for prophylactic, diagnostic, or therapeutic use that are safe, effective, and that help improve the living conditions of the users. -
Technological development (SEDETEC)
Through applied research projects, address the design, development and improvement of biotechnological products generated in the Institute and the processes through which they are created. -
Control the genetic lines of rabbits and mice, keep them in optimal conditions and produce the necessary animals for research, production, and quality control processes that take place at the Institute. -
Quality Control
Perform the quality control analysis on samples in process, final products, raw materials, and products in development requested by the Industrial Division, to comply with national and international quality standards required for the Clodomiro Picado Institute products.
Administrative Unit
Efficient and rational administration of the resources of the Institute. Provides administrative and logistics support for personnel in the different sections, to ease the compliance of work plans and important activities at the Institute.
Quality Management Unit
Develop, implement, certify, maintain and improve a comprehensive system for quality management, environmental management, and work safety management at the Clodomiro Picado Institute, in compliance with INTE-ISO 9001-2008, INTE-ISO 14 001 and OSHAS 18001 standards, thus contributing to the continuous improvement of the processes related to the activities at the Institute.
Pharmaceutical Technician
Serve as the pharmaceutical technician of the Clodomiro Picado Institute pharmaceutical laboratory, as established by the General Health Law of Costa Rica.
Biological Technician
Perform the activities of the biological technician at the Clodomiro Picado Institute, as established by the Laws of Wildlife Conservation, Biodiversity, and Animal Welfare, as well as support the environmental management of the Institute.
Veterinary Technician
Serve as the veterinary technician of the Clodomiro Picado Institute in the veterinary laboratory, drugstore, and pharmacy, as established by the General Health Law of Costa Rica, and the Animal Health National Service Law.