UCR helps save 4 500 lives every year in Central America
- Clodomiro Picado Institute, a True Example of Action
- An average of 250,000 people have benefited in Latin America
Fuente: Costa Rica University

Every year, the high quality and efficacy of the antivenoms produced at the Clodomiro Picado Institute (CPI) of the University of Costa Rica (UCR), help provide adequate clinical attention, saving the lives of approximately 4,500 people bitten by venomous snakes in the Central American region; from these, 500 or 600 cases take place in Costa Rica.
This great contribution of the UCR is the final result of the successful work done at the CPI since its origins 45 years ago. An academic-humanist strategy has always guided its actions, combining high level scientific research, teaching activities, technological development, efficient production and distribution of the products manufactured, and the training of medical, paramedical, nursing, and fire fighting personnel, as well as the Red Cross, rural guards, forest rangers, communities, and indigenous groups, among other populations at risk.